Hungry For Change

Good morning everyone!  I’m sorry but its been 4 days since my last blog.  This week just totally got away from me but the main reason was that I left my power cord for my laptop at home while I was at school.  I usually prep my blogs ahead of time while I’m relaxing at night so this didn’t happen!

Anyway, its been that kind of week though.  I didn’t do a single healthy thing to speak of.  I ate terrible, lots of sugar, I didn’t work out.  I also didn’t feel well a couple of days, like I was coming down with a cold.  I feel much better today and hopefully that won’t happen again! 

HungryForChangeIn real health news, I watched a documentary I had heard good things about.  Hungry For Change basically just discusses why it is such a problem in the modern world to lose weight.  I wrote some basic section down as I watched it:

1.  Why Diets Don’t Work
2.  Food Addiction
3.  Biochemistry and Food Additives
4.  Healing Power of Food
5.  Stress and its Effect on Weight Loss
6.   Strategies to Stop Overeating
7.  Visualization of the Life You Want
8.  Positive Self Talk

The documentary basically just flowed through these topics in order and related them all together.  It was really interesting and could be very motivating for those who are wondering why they are addicted to foods or how to stop it.  Most of this stuff, I have read in books before but this was a nice concise grouping of it that could be really helpful for a lot of people who are just starting out on their weight loss journey or stuck in a rut!  I definitely would recommend it!  (Just an FYI, it was just released on Netflix which is where I watched it).

Finally, in other news, I’m going to try to remember to photograph all my food from now until… well, whenever.  A while.  I want to be more accountable.  Sometimes I totally forget to but hopefully after a few days, I will be in the habit!  I was doing really great for a long time but this week just totally got away from me!  On to a better week!

4 thoughts on “Hungry For Change

    1. A half hour after I wrote my blog, I was eating breakfast and only remembered to take my photo with a 1/4 slice of bacon and 2 bites of eggs left! Ha!!

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