I Am #WhatsBeautiful

It’s been a few weeks now that I’ve been participating in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Challenge with Fitfluential (this is a sponsored post).  At the beginning, I set lofty goals and then realized that it wasn’t what I needed right now.  So instead, I made a longer term goal of finishing a half marathon in under 2:30 which will take me many more months longer than the length of the challenge.


This goal allowed me to think about the long term and what I needed to do now in order to be there later.  So I started to just work out, whatever it was, just to get moving.  Slowly, I began to rediscover my love for fitness.


Now, I’m back to a point where I am enjoying my fitness again and doing it pretty regularly.  I might not be hard core – no CrossFit, no marathon training, no extreme yoga pose to master.  I’m just taking it day by day, making sure that I’m happy with my choices, being as healthy as possible.


One of the slogans of the challenge is to “Redefine the Female Athlete”.  I don’t typically think of myself as an athlete but that is what Under Armour is out to change.  I might not be extreme in my endeavors to be healthy, nor do I play a sport, but I’m committed to a healthy lifestyle.  That is what is really important.

This round of the campaign rekindled my love for fitness and launched me back into a regular healthy routine.  I’m looking forward to the next round of What’s Beautiful and seeing what else I will accomplish then!

What did you learn about yourself by participating in UA’s What’s Beautiful Challenge?
What was your biggest achievement?

4 thoughts on “I Am #WhatsBeautiful

  1. Gotta do something that you enjoy, or you just won’t do it since it isn’t fun and fitness should be fun! (I called the class I taught at school this year “Fun Fitness Friday”…the kids loved it!!!)
    Keep having fun!

  2. I think this is great! we all need support and finding what we truly want for ourselves, by making goals. Small or big. they definitely matter! I have a big goal of losing 30lbs 🙂

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