Insanity Recovery Week & Month 2 Day 1


Core Cardio and Balance
Last week was nothing but the same DVD over and over again for Insanity.  It was “Core Radio and Balance”.  It was actually refreshing and not boring at all.  This DVD was much different from those of Month 1. While Month 1 concentrated on cardio and speed, this DVD worried about form, strength, and endurance.  A lot of the moves are held or push your muscles to major fatigue (in that muscle-pain way, not the tired-from-all-this-cardio way). 

Like I said, it is more held moves or muscle fatiguing moves.  There is a little break between eat move too as he explains it which is unlike Month 1 where he never stops until official water breaks.  You definitely are building more strength this week.  I plan on incorporating it into my marathon training, especially because of all the hip flexor strengthening moves in it.

Month 2 Day 1
Shawn T is trying to kill me.  He scheduled the Fit Test AND Max Interval Circuit on the same day!  While I did not slaughter my fit test numbers this time like I did last time, I did burn 60 more calories than last time!  I was definitely pushing HARD.  Especially since it was a 50% jump in calories (from about 120 to 180!).  So that is just another measure of effort and progress (I was able to push harder). 

Then, it was right into Month 2 of Insanity and Oh. My. Goodness.  Not only was this video longer (at 60 minutes), but the “hard” moves from month 1 now made up the warm up for month 2.  Yay.  There used to be 2-3 interval circuits.  This DVD had 4 I believe.  I was pooped from the beginning but managed to squeak something out and burn 480 calories!  Oh, and I am sore, in all different places.  Last month, my calves perpetually hurt.  Today, my obliques are killing me.  I’m looking forward to doing this month!  So glad I decided not to switch back to running!!

On a side note, while my eating has not been terrible, I know that there are too many “extras” in it such as bites of candy or untracked nibbles.  Well, starting tomorrow (because I already finished off the delicious all-natural nitrite-free hot dogs Rob bought me for lunch), I am going to try to do 90% Paleo for the week.  My only real non-Paleo food that should be in there is oatmeal.  I know how to eat right but have been slacking a bit too much.  Time to get more strict!  And you know, maybe some of these inches will move already.

2 thoughts on “Insanity Recovery Week & Month 2 Day 1

  1. I had to go back and re-read your posts because I thought you weren’t going to continue Insanity!! Found the edit though!!

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