June 2015 Goals


I said I wasn’t making any goals this month.  Then I noticed that June conveniently starts on a Monday.  HOW CAN I RESIST?!  My internal planner, start-on-a-Monday personality came out and I just HAD to make a few goals.

Wild1.  Finish Reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed

I’ve had this book for a while but couldn’t get into it at first.  Now that I’ve made my way into the meat of the book, its gotten more interesting to me.  Also, I joined an online book club and since I was already reading this, we chose it as our first book!  I want to make sure I finish it ASAP.

2.  Continue Career Development

Last month, I applied to several jobs and wrote many versions of Cover Letters and Resumes.  I just have to keep it up until I get some phone calls and find a job!

3.  Exercise 5 Times Per Week

I started an 8-week fitness challenge last Monday with my Facebook Group and I will continue kicking butt!  The goal is to just be consistent with workouts.

4.  Continue to Limit Carbohydrates

I have been dabbling in carbohydrate reduction since I read The Primal Blueprint a few months ago.  I was only half trying during school.  Then I was all stressed out after it was done.  Finally, I was ready to give it a go again and Rob decided he would go super low carb.  He is doing 20g or less per day.  I am shooting for less than 100g per day.  I’ll write more in-depth about this later.

5.  Take Personal Time

Even though I have had a lot of free time lately, I haven’t been doing much for myself.  Yes, job hunting and working and planning events.  I had a few days here and there but all I really want to do is go to the beach.  Spend a whole day by myself doing whatever I like!  Sometimes a girl needs a little alone time outside of the house.

I don’t want to take on too much so I’ll leave it at that!  Everything is completely doable!

What are your plans for June?

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