Kettlebell Toy

Good morning! Today, I had a slow start, waking up later than I would have liked. I am still struggling to get up in the morning and have tried every trick. “Just do it” just doesn’t always work either when you are exhausted. Anyway!

emoticon Even though I got up late, I decided I would still work out and get to campus by 10 at the latest. I threw on some running clothes and checked the weather. Since it was rainy, I decided to go to the fitness room and use the treadmill. I had planned on starting C25K but accidentally programmed my Garmin backwards. I was supposed to run 60 seconds, walk 90s but I did it the other way around. I burnt out before the 20 minutes was up but it was better than nothing! I’ll program it correctly next time 🙂

emoticon After I got back to the apartment, some of my favorite songs started playing on my Pandora so I thought I would do some Kettlebell work while it played. I didn’t do as many as I probably should have but I was just “playing” with my new “toy”. LoL

5 min @ 3.5 mph
( 1.5 min @ 6.5 mph / 1 min @ 3.5 mph ) x 4
5 min @ 3.5 mph
2×10 15lb two-handed kettlebell swings
1×10 15lb one-handed kettlebell swings (per side)
1×10 15lb kettblebell clean (per side)
1×10 15lb kettblebell press (per side)
1×10 15lb kettblebell deadlift
5 push ups
5 knee push ups

Not bad for not planning! Tomorrow, I think an easy run is in the books (I’m using C25K for speedwork as 6.5 mph is much faster than I run now) or just simply a walk. I will wait a day before I do more kettlebell stuff. I also forgot to do my crunches yesterday! So I have to make sure I double it today and do them before bed tonight!

 What was your workout today? 

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