Lazy Days

Happy Monday!  This weekend was the first real weekend that I think Rob and I had basically nothing to do.  And it was glorious!  Friday, I had a makeup party at a friend’s house.  Saturday, we did pretty much nothing all day.  We started off with breakfast sandwiches at the park.

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We also hung up some Christmas decorations outside so that it feels more festive around here!

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Saturday night, we met friends at a bar to watch the UFC fight.  By the end of the night, my back was aching from sitting on tall chairs!  But it was a fun night.  I did not make good nutrition choices but I have no regrets.

2015-12-12 23.03.55Peanut Butter Cheesecake

Sunday was more of a bunch of nothing.  We met Rob’s parents for breakfast and then just loafed around the house.  We had to run some errands mid afternoon but otherwise, we were both pretty unproductive all day.  At least we cooked dinner and didn’t order out?  Ha!

All things aside, I would like to have more energy around the clock.  We tried doing chores on Sunday but both of us were exhausted.  The late night out (2AM bed time) didn’t help with that plus all the sugar from poor food choices.  I know that if I eat better, I will feel better.  Why does sugar have to taste so good?

This week, I’ll be working on getting into a regular schedule, fitting in exercise, and making better nutrition and food choices.  Time to get off this computer and get moving on those goals!

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