Life Update

I’ve got nothing to talk about today!  I did think of some interesting topics but I didn’t really feel like talking about any of them so you just have my babble today!

Workout  –  My workout today is still Recovery Week for Insanity.  I am really liking this DVD and will review it next week (although hardly anyone read my review yesterday, weird.)  It was funny though because I felt soooo tired the whole time.  (I didn’t want to get up this morning either).  Then when I was done, I checked my Garmin (that I use as a heart rate monitor) and I burned 40 more calories than on Monday!  And 20 more than yesterday!  So in my tired, exhausted state, I really pushed myself!  Ha!  I tend to do that with running too.  I sometimes have the best workouts when I just don’t feel like it!

Nutrition  –  If I say “diet”, people immediately think crash diet and “eating” sounds funny.  Anyway!  Yesterday was pretty good other than a few bites of Easter candy.  I decided not to track my calories because I just didn’t feel like it and I wasn’t really hungry all day.  I made sure to only eat what I wanted to, when I wanted to.  I really liked it, but I was also home half the day so it was easy doing that.  I wasn’t stuck with what was in my lunch box.

Mental Health  –  I haven’t talked much lately about maintaining mental health and I don’t know why.  I should be because I have been super stressed with school and being away from home doesn’t help at all.  My apartment at school is nice and all but its not home.  And when I am home, I still have tons of homework to do.  My last exam is May 3rd so that is good.  I will still be stuck at school, working all summer (hey, they pay me), but at least when I am home on the weekends, I can concentrate on spending quality time with people!

Goals  –  I was thinking about making goals for May.  The funny thing is that goals don’t always work for me.  I’m either motivated or I’m not.  Goals only have a 50/50 chance of giving me more motivation to workout/eat right/etc.  But I kind of like having a chart to check things off with.  We’ll see!

Lots of questions today!  Why not Smile

emoticon   Do your workouts suffer when you are tired or not in the mood for it?
emoticon   Do you eat intuitively or do you follow a schedule?  How does it help with your weight/health?
emoticon   How do you relieve stress?
emoticon   Does making goals help motivate you to be healthier?

2 thoughts on “Life Update

  1. I read yesterday…just didn’t have time to comment!
    I haven’t really done a good workout in FAR too long…mostly since changes in schedules, injuries and various other factors…things are starting to settle down so the goal is to get serious again next week (mudrun in Millville on Sat…didn’t want to get too sore with DOMS this week!)
    I don’t tend to handle stress very well unless I am already in a good groove with running/working out…then I use that time as my “unwind” time. Right now without a good routine, I’m not doing as well with stress and my cortisol levels are through the roof and my midsection is clear evidence! HA!
    I don’t really work well with goals. I get frozen. I’m better off just having a general idea in mind and working toward it.
    Enjoy the nice weather this week!

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