Waiting for Sandy

First off, I worked out today!!!


I tried doing P90X’s Ab Ripper X.  I could do about half the moves with the boot.  Even things that you hold your legs up for were difficult as the boot is HEAVY.  I did my best!  Then I just did some upper body moves that I can sit to do.  I didn’t use a plan, just did whatever.  I figured its better than nothing.  I really need to plan my workouts for the rest of the week since I’m so restricted!  Right now, its trial and error!

CandyCornAs for my “diet” (as in what I eat every day), its been up and down.  Too much sugar the last few days.  Today, I’m not motivated to cook since the storm is here.  Its totally a lame excuse but it is what it is!  I took out some meat for dinner to defrost so there won’t be any excuses later!  We have a gas stove so even if the electric goes out, we can still cook, but can’t wash dishes then (well water needs electric for the pump).  We have a reserve of water ready to go though in a 32 gallon trash can outside the back door (clean, brand new!).  I could boil water to wash dishes.  Anyway, I’ve got the leftover eggs from the party for breakfasts too so that would be one less thing to cook!  Oh, and I am reading Paleoista over again for some inspiration and recipe ideas! 

Speaking of the storm.  Check this picture out.  The H where it hit lands is practically on top of my house!


The islands nearby are already flooded and getting slammed.  We are a few miles inland and 423 feet above sea level so we should be ok, but its very, very wet land around our house.  Our front door has a risk of flooding so we’ve got a pump set up.  I’m more worried about the winds later.  That storm back in July did a number on the trees already so hopefully the ones that are left are nice and strong!  Let’s hope everything is ok!  I hope all my coastal friends are safe!

My brain is all over the place today and very sleepy.  It is totally from all that crappy sugar I ate yesterday.  The candy corn needs to leave the house ASAP!  I have schoolwork I need to catch up on so that’s what I’ll be doing for the rest of the day.  I’ll keep checking in as long as we have power!  Stay safe everyone!!

4 thoughts on “Waiting for Sandy

  1. Be safe! Great workout. I did 22 minutes of rebounding (not on Fitocracy, so I chose ‘pilates’) and it *really* doesn’t show the workout you get. Holy crap! I’m going to need to wear a HRM several times when I do it.

    I’m proud of you working out with your trailer attached 🙂

      1. That’s what I called my full-leg cast from when I tore all the ligaments and tendons in my right leg (ALL – 1st for 4 months, then ‘fresh’ cast for 2 more). YUCK and heavy! Started in autumn, ended in summer ;p Dragging that damned thing along…

  2. Stay safe and dry. So far it isn’t too bad here…at least we aren’t in the evacuation zone. There is a creek right in town that floods and the flood waters can get very high. Last storm, town was closed for weeks while they waited for the water to recede and clean up. Our township keeps calling with updates for emergencies and evacuations had to be done by noon. It stopped raining for a few minutes so I took the dogs out…I think I’ll rate this storm by the number of ‘poops’ I have to clean up when the dogs won’t go outside. We are at 3 already! AUGH!!!! I have my rubber shoes, rain coat and rain pants all by the back door so I’m ready when they need to go out!

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