Plan for Week of Dec 2, 2013

Happy December! What a strange thing I’m doing – blogging on a weekend and late in the evening! But I felt like it so… This…

Lots of Girl Time

It’s the weekend!  Well, for me anyway.  Today is a Friday class schedule at school and I don’t have classes on Fridays so Woohoo!  The…

Book Review: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

I received this book for free for the purpose of review.  All opinions are my own.  I was compensated in no other way. When I…

Health Recap – Nov 18 2013

Happy Monday!  It was a pretty low key weekend and I really got some time to relax.  Right now, I want to talk about how…

November Midmonth Goals

It’s never too late to make goals right?  I’ve joined a new fitness group on Facebook and boy are they accountable!  I love it!  So…

Blogging Limbo

I’m back from vacation!  Well, not really.  The last few days, I took sort of a personal vacation from life.  I stayed home a lot,…

Get Strong Home Workout

I was just talking about obstacles yesterday, right?  Well, I had a doozy last night!  My class ended late so I couldn’t make the 7:12…

Setting Aside Excuses

Excuses, we all have them.  And we all try to explain why they are valid and standing in our path to success.  I think though…