Garden Update & Week Plan

Happy Weekend! Well, Rob is away fishing today so I figured I would take a break from house cleaning and write a quick blog.  I’ve…

Lifting for Weight Loss

Today is a complicated topic so I’m sorry if this is piece-y but I want to cover all my bases so I’ll break it up…

It’s Rest Time

Hello everyone!  So the weekend was jam packed again.  We spent two days in Delaware, first visiting cousins and then a rugby tournament with the…

Bumming at the Beach

Is there ever a boring day around here?  It think not.  Yesterday was beach day!  I had planned to go with a friend but she…

Gym Hiatus

My name is Angela, and it was a week since my last workout.  Don’t worry though!  I fixed that this morning with an easy jog/walk…

Fair Filled Weekend

As if last week wasn’t busy enough, this weekend wasn’t much of a relaxer either!  Let’s get to it. Friday Friday after the hubs got…

Busy Limping Bee

Woah, I haven’t posted a blog since Monday!  I honestly tried to on Wednesday but the words just weren’t flowing like I wanted them to. …

Weekend Tidbits

Happy Monday!  This weekend was so nice and relaxing!  Rob and I haven’t got much time to just spend together at home and we got…