August 2013 Goals

Wow, July was quite the month for me!  I was starting to get back into a better routine fitness-wise and it really amped up when…

Colourful Smoothies with Colourful Palate

Since I’m not happy with my own blogging today, I’m going to ride the waves of one of my favorite blogs and tell you guys…

Gluten Hangover

I have to admit, Rob and I have been really lax on the whole no-gluten-eat-paleo thing lately.  I started to ease up a few months…

Week in Pictures & Paleo Chocolate Mug Cake

I just feel like babbling today so I’m just going to share the pictures I’ve taken all week (bonus recipe is at the bottom!) First,…

Rules For Success

I had a little rant to go with this post but decided to save that for another day.  Basically, a lot of articles I’ve been…

Local Eats: Bloom Coffee & Tea

If you know me in real life, you know that I’m a coffee drinker.  Some people just think I’m obsessed or addicted but I think…

Gym Escapades

Hey everyone!  Its just another Monday around here.  Actually, I felt like the week never ended last week because Rob worked all weekend.  I tried…

Book Review: Fit2Fat2Fit

I picked up this book on the clearance rack of my local book shop a few weeks ago.  Once I got around to reading it,…