Clean Home Happy Home

What a day yesterday!  I took a rest day from the gym but I spent the whole day cleaning and organizing.  We are still dealing…

Exercise is Contagious

Happy Tuesday!  I was so busy yesterday, I just never got a chance to sit down to the computer.  I feel so out of touch!! …

Born Again Gym Rat

A few years ago, before I went back to school, I was a gym rat.  More like a gym class rat.  I loved going to…

Working Off Cupcakes

Happy Hump Day!  Yesterday, I spent most of the day running around to doctors appointments.  I need to fill out some paperwork for school and…

Late Bloomers

Things have been pretty boring around here which is why you’ve been getting a lot of health blogs and nothing else!  We do have one…

FitBit, We Have a Problem

Working from home has its advantages. I’m close to fresh cooked, health meals at all times (my kitchen). The bathroom is never messy from someone…

Kona Kase Review

Last week, I was super excited when I received my first Kona Kase in the mail!  Through a partnership with Fitfluential, I received the Kona…

Not Thinking About It

Yesterday, I woke up super cranky from a sugar-dairy-and-wheat bomb I had the night before.  It is not just digestive problems that I have with…