Health is Immeasurable

Every month, I feel this impulse to set up track-able, measureable goals to get me through the month.  A few days ago though, I decided…

New Stress Levels

I have been a very bad blogger around here lately.  I just have a whole new level of stress happening right now and its hard…

Days in Pictures

I can’t seem to put my thoughts together today so instead of writing, I’m just going to recap my weekend/week in pictures (and captions).  Rob’s…

FrogFuel Giveaway!

Before I post about my whirlwind of a weekend (as usual), I need to do a quick post about some samples I received!  FrogFuel sent…

I Am #WhatsBeautiful

It’s been a few weeks now that I’ve been participating in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Challenge with Fitfluential (this is a sponsored post).  At…

Foggy Head

Happy Tuesday!  Today is off to a slow start for me.  I’ve been having issues with my sleep again but instead of not sleeping, I’m…

Weekend of Indulgence

I just can’t seem to get my head around it lately.  I had a great weekend but I gained yet another pound.  I know how…

Running Geek

Good morning!  It is rainy today so I’m sad I can’t run at the park   I will just have to find something else to…