Fun Fitness

Remember when exercise was fun? When did staying healthy go from playing outside for a few hours to grinding it out on the dreadmill 5…

Another Muddy Weekend

Happy Tuesday!  I was just a little worker-bee yesterday, I didn’t want to stop to write a blog.  It was another whirlwind weekend.  Saturday, we…

No More Streaking

First, I really need to figure out a new work area.  I managed to clean a spot on the kitchen table (still unpacking) but this…

Relaxed Runner

Yesterday, with all of the running registration discounts going around for Running Day, I started to think about my race schedule for the fall.  I…

I Run

I struggle with defining myself as a runner.  First, I’m not fast at all.  As you can see from my all-time PRs, I’m not breaking…

Love for Trails

I really need to get out of the house!  Yesterday, I had so many distractions but the biggest one was this little cutie: She is…

Rebel Eater

This weekend, I started a little challenge with some friends from SparkPeople to photograph everything we eat for the entire month of June.  I had…

#IWILL Get Out of My Way

This post is sponsored by Under Armour through FitFluential I’m part of the What’s Beautiful campaign sponsored through Under Armour and Flifluential. As part of…