Consumed By Finals

I’ve been really struggling for blog topics lately and I’ll tell you why.  I stopped working on my take home exam at 8:45 last night.…

Seeing the Positives

I’ve been beating myself up a lot lately because I’ve been making poor decisions.  Yesterday, instead of worrying about the things I didn’t do right,…

Under Armor What’s Beautiful 2013

This post is sponsored by Under Armour through FitFluential [embedplusvideo height=”522″ width=”660″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=oeYrmR-TdcY&width=660&height=522&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9372″ /] Join the Under Armor What’s Beautiful Challenge now! After…

Easter in May

First off, I had a great weekend!  It was Russian Easter, hosted at my house with friends and family, and it couldn’t have gone better. …

Nike Women’s Half Marathon DC Weekend Part 2

Continued from Nike Women’s Half Marathon DC Weekend Part 1 Going to the expo on Friday was a brilliant idea because it left Saturday wide…

May 2013 Goals Part 1

I started making my monthly goals for May and then I suddenly felt overwhelmed.  There is going to be a lot going on this month…

Nike Women’s Half Marathon DC Weekend Part 1

Wow what a weekend!  I knew it would be busy but it far exceeded my expectations.  Of course, the weekend started off with a frenzy…

Nike Women’s Half Marathon DC Race Recap

I have so much to talk about from this past weekend and so many pictures to share!  It seriously is crunch time for school though…