Going Confidently

Hello there!  This weekend is the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in DC.  It is the first year they are doing it and I’m pretty excited…

Book Review: “Shred:The Revolutionary Diet”

Recently, my sister won a copy of the new book “Shred: The Revolutionary Diet” by Ian K. Smith, MD.  I had seen copies of this…

Being an Honest Blogger

Yesterday, I was reading some posts around the internet about bloggers not being “real”, completely “open”, or “honest”.  I put these in quotations because I…

Countdown to Finals

Wow I am tired today!  So if you’ve been around for a while, you might have noticed that I’ve stopped complaining about my sleep and…

Low Stomach Acid Solutions

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional, dietician, nutritionist, or any other food/health/medical expert.  All of the information in this blog post has been gathered…

Keeping Things Simple

This morning, I started my day off with a run!  I slept terrible and the weather said possible rain with 100% humidity (I’m not exaggerating,…

April Goals Revisited

I decided last night to revamp my monthly goals just slightly so here is my new chart: Still tracking my water but instead of a…

Mud Filled Pictures

This weekend was pretty exciting as Rob and I were enlisted to photograph a mud run on Saturday.  It was the same one I ran…