Lotsa Food

Just a quick blog for today.  I have to get back to studying for my exam on Monday.  It took me over 4 hours to review a single set of class notes.  I knew our classes were dense (1.5 hours long) but seriously?  I still have 4 more lectures to go and the test is on Monday.  Like I said in my blog yesterday, all day tomorrow is devoted to photography!

Anyway, this week, I took pictures of everything I ate.  Verdict?  Meh.


I know that’s a lot of food to take in.  I just had really variable days and got caught up eating out too much.  I still packed my food but sometimes didn’t have a place to heat it up, it wasn’t enough, etc.  Always something!

This week will be tough because I have lots of work and exams to take care of!  So I have no idea when I’ll have a chance to cook and prep.  I also don’t want to spend the extra cash on buying food out though so I’ll have to figure something out.

So hopefully next week, my meals will look a lot healthier and more home cooked.  This week, Rob had helped out by cooking a port shoulder and meatballs.  Maybe he can do that again?!  Okay, back to power studying!

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