November Struggles

Holy lack of blogging!  I have been busier than ever!  This week, not only was it school but it was LAUNDRY!  And other house stuffs.  Amazing how that really piles up.  I have never been good at keeping up with it.  We used to clean every Sunday but now Sunday is the day we do errands since we are busy the rest of the week.  Anyway!  I had pictures of almost everything I ate all weekend but they are locked away in the camera and are rather boring anyway.  LoL.  I will just update you on my goals (and its not pretty!)


  1. 8 Glasses of Water – I am definitely doing better than I was last month but I think I only got maybe 2 days on this one (I have also been very back about tracking my goals this month).
  2. Track and Eat in Range 25 Days – I am just going to change thing on to “track 25 days” and that would be 3 right now.  One step at a time…  I will still try to stay in range though!
  3. 1000 Fitness Minutes – 100 minutes (10%)
  4. Run 40 Miles – 8 miles! (20%)
  5. Pack Lunch for School – 4/4
  6. Spend Time at Home– Rob and I are terrible at this…  We did spend Saturday mostly at home, sort of…  Ok, this one is still a work in progress.

Obviously, you guys have noticed I have been really struggling lately.  Yesterday,  I was WAY over on my calories.  I think my differential was something like +300.  With that, I will gain more weight in no time!  So I’ve decided to identify some problems and offer solutions.

  1. Snacking in the Car – This is double-edged.  Snacking keeps me awake while driving but it also is a major problem.  As a solution, I will start packing PORTIONED out snacks that find into my calories.  I will PLAN on eating them.  Lately, I’ve just been grabbing something convenient and eating it right out of the bag.
  2. Drinking Calories – I forgive coffee for its calories but I’ve been having soda, juice, and beer lately.  The soda was for when I was sick and the juice was for something also but the beer serves no purpose.  Perhaps, beers only on weekends?
  3. Coffee – I just said coffee was ok but I’ve been buying a lot of coffee and only drinking half.  New rule.   I only buy GOOD coffee and I only get SMALLS.  Money saved, calories saved.
  4. Water – I don’t drink enough.  I need to drink it more in the car (since I’m afraid to drink too much before getting in the car for those 2 hours).
  5. Eating When Hungry – I tend to eat on schedule a lot rather than eating when I’m hungry.  Schedules are good but its not been helping me with the commute (due to the eating in the car).  So I’m going to wait until I’m hungry to eat, schedule be damned (unless I know that the hunger-pangs are going to hit in the middle of class, lol).

So I think that is a good list for now.  I haven’t talked about working out in here today and I think that’s for another day.  That is really just a time issue.  I did have an AWESOME 8 mile run on Sunday though.  I had Starbucks earlier in the day and I think that helped.  LoL, my pace was 11:47 average which I’m happy with (I’ve been really much slower lately so that is ok with me!).  I did have to stop a lot to stretch my Achilles.  I think I am still adjusting to the new sneakers.  Seriously though, this run made me remember why I run!  So excited for marathon training now!


Other good news is that I put out an application for an apartment complex I really want to live in at school.  Let’s hope I get approved!!!  Rob is happy with the place too (he worries about me so much!) and its so close to campus, I could walk (though it might be a slightly long walk) or get a cheap bike to ride to school.  I would love it!

How are you November goals going?

Update:  I rechecked my calorie differential and it was really only +132 but thinking it was way more is enough to scare me.  Either way, it is in the “gain” region!

3 thoughts on “November Struggles

  1. Sounds like you have a great plan…and you know where you need to focus more effort…You’ll be hitting those goal in no time!

  2. I see a solution within the list of problems… Drink water in the car instead of eating snacks! That’s how I keep myself awake. You’re killing 2 birds with one stone!! Hope you get the apartment you’re after…

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