Welcome to the New Chicken Scoop!

Hello!  Glad you found me over here!  This is going to be the new home for the Chicken Scoop!  As you can see, it is a work in progress as I get the hang of the new WordPress format.  There are some advantages to hosting it here.

  • I can now reply to your comments and you don’t have to check back constantly 🙂
  • I can make more interesting pages that have different formats (I was more limited on blogger).
  • I have unlimited space on my host.
  • I can now give you some contact info if you ever have questions or comments that you don’t want to post publicly.
  • Once I get the hang of formatting, I can create my own templates for the site!

So please forgive the under construction appearance for now.  This is going to take a while since I’m still so busy with school and all but it will get done.  I need your input though!  Are there any tabs you would like to see (so far, I want to post an About Me, My Training, Nutrition, My Running).  I can even post maybe a recipe section.  Any other ideas or things you want to see?  Now is the time to get your ideas in while I’m in the building process!

So change your bookmarks everyone.  Remember it is thechickenscoop.net.  (no www, and some guy owns .com and is just sitting on it!  Hmph!)  So excited for this new official site!!!

9 thoughts on “Welcome to the New Chicken Scoop!

  1. ooo ooo an rss feed! I followed your blog before in google reader but reader needs the site to have an rss-feed.

  2. You need a tab that is a shrine to your hubby! All hail me! Love you lots! I will pass out a plate for offerings later

  3. Looks great! Made the changes on my SP websearch page and put in the new RSS feed info…so now I can keep up!
    Love Rob’s comment…he’s right! He deserves a tab of his own!

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