April Goals Revisited

I decided last night to revamp my monthly goals just slightly so here is my new chart:


  1. Still tracking my water but instead of a 1/0 for did/didn’t drink 8 glasses, I’m counting my ounces each day with a goal of 64 per day.  You can see I just missed my goal yesterday.
  2. I still want to track my food.  It keeps me from having too many crazy, high calorie days.
  3. My goal for the rest of the month is 10 workouts.  It’s a little low because I’m allowing myself pre- and post-race rest days for the half marathon on the 28th.  I won’t be counting walks.
  4. This is the only goal I changed completely.  Instead of meal planning, I’ve decided to worry about avoiding wheat.  This is the most important non-Paleo food to avoid for myself and I’ve been indulging too often lately.  I’m shooting for 12 days (75% of the days left in the month).
  5. Finally, I have to make sure I’m doing my school work!  Goal is 12 days of significant work done for homework, research, reading, etc.

Of course I did pretty well on the very first day of making these goals (as expected).  They were fresh on my mind! 

  1. I drank about 48 ounces of water.
  2. I tracked all my food – landed at 1843 calories.
  3. I did Insanity Plyometrics Circuit.
  4. I didn’t eat any wheat products.
  5. I spent some time in the lab, went to class, and read some papers.

So far so good!  Now, I’m off to tackle today.  My class got canceled so I’m going to go for a walk while its still cool out and a run later tonight (when its less humid).  I have to spend most of the day in the lab and do a take home exam.  Going to be somewhat long and stressful but I’m ready for it today!

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