Much Needed Time Away

Hello strangers.  Long time not chat!  Without going into the nitty gritty, the last few months were a little stressful.  There were some good things but also some lows that I don’t want to put out in the blogger world.  So long story short is that I really, really needed that time away from the blog, away from a regular commitment and stress of missing a post.  I know I wasn’t posting often but it was still stressing me that I should be posting.  So here we are.

Well, how about what I’ve been up to!

I started a new job!

That’s right!  I waited months for this job but it finally came through.  I was really sad to leave my great crew at the last job but it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.  I am back working at a place I had been previously so it is a little strange to be back but also nice and familiar.  The biggest news about this job is that it is much less stressful.  I work 40 hours and its all low stress and then I go home and relax!  I think I am still recovering from years of high stress (grad school, unemployment, high stress jobs…).  Slowly but surely, I am starting to feel like myself again

I’m enjoying hobbies again

For a long time, I stopped doing things I enjoyed and those I tried to keep a hold of became chores instead of fun.  Well, no more!!!  I’ve been doing funs things and… ENJOYING THEM!  Shocking!  I’ve been doing photography with a friend.  We meet almost weekly and try to find new, interesting places to go.


I’ve also been sewing like crazy for the annual Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.  My friend Emily bought herself a proper corset so I made her a dress to go with it.  I got a new corset too so I needed something new too, of course!  I have some ideas for the new few weekend we’re going too Smile


I joined a new gym!

It’s a Crossfit gym, and I had a great time the first few weeks.  I liked my old gym but I needed more coaching and guidance so I decided to try a new one.  It was great and I was going three times per week, then I got really exhausted and took a break.  I went to my annual appointment at my primary doctor.  She ordered a Vitamin D test on my blood work and it turns out that I am really, really low and its definitely not helping my energy levels!  So that is something I’m working on now.  Using supplements and trying to get sun if I can.

That’s the major stuff happening.  I am hoping to get back to blogging here.  I have a new desk setup at home so maybe it will make it easier to get online.  I’m also not completely burnt out when I get home in the evenings.  Things are going well!  That’s all I’ll check in with for now.  I’ll be back soon!

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