Bring on the Mud!

MudManXFun News!  I’m doing a Mud Run!  They can be rather expensive which is why I hadn’t signed up for one yet but I got an email from Schwaggle for 50% the entry fee!  And the emails are according to where you live so I knew it was local.  So on July 28th, Rob and I will be doing our first Mud Run!!!  Can’t wait!

GarminAliveMore good news yesterday is that because my problems with my Garmin started back in December, they are covering it under warranty!  It is working again but I asked if they could replace it anyway just because its always given me problems.  I just have to send it in and they will send me a new one.  That means it will be 3-4 weeks without my Garmin Sad smile  I don’t know what I’m going to do!!

On another note, according to my friend Ida who is a professional athlete and has a team of trainers and coaches to advise her, RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) is out and taping is in.  Ice is good too.  She has been staying with me for finals so she helped me tape up my ankle yesterday and showed me some exercises to heal and strengthen it (something about kinetic stretching and breaking up scar tissue).  I had decided it was most likely a strained ankle so that is what we’re working with (if I thought it was a major injury, I would be at the doctor already).  Anyway, so that is on the road to recovery.  My workout today is up in the air.  I’m thinking rest today and get back into Insanity tomorrow.  We’ll see! 

My last final is today!  Yay!  Now, time to study!!

3 thoughts on “Bring on the Mud!

  1. One of my online buds from years ago did the Tough Mudder and it’s MENTAL. Good luck! I hope your ankle feels better soon but you’re smart to be kind to it because you are SO YOUNG. I waited to tear myself up purposefully til I was in my late 30s 🙂 Now, I’m a gimpy 40yo, which is okay (not optimal but nothing too unexpected).

  2. good luck on your last final!!!
    I would LOVEEEE to do a mud run- how exciting!!!! I have heard that you wear really old shoes, and then at the end they all get donated! I think that is so cool

  3. I’ve done a few…LOVE them! Let me tell you that you feel like a million bucks when you conquer an obstacle! You guys will have so much fun! My next one is in Sept. at Fort Dix…you guys should do it! 😉

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