Day of Doctors

Hello everyone!  What a crazy weekend I had.  I really need to start thinking about blogging more often on the weekends just to keep up.  But that would be time away from Rob… Anyway!  Saturday, Rob and I did nothing.  And it was wonderful. We did leave the house to get haircuts and my girl did a great job.  I wanted it long in the front but super short in the back:

Sunday was spent in the same lethargy as Saturday with a trip out of the house for groceries and a run on the Ocean City boardwalk.  The run was absolutely terrible because 1) my ankle was hurting and 2) I pulled my hamstring that morning!  But I got some miles in and now its time to let my muscles heal.

Monday, I had a day jam packed full of doctors appointments:

10:15 AM Infection Disease Specialist.  I needed 3 shots for my trip to South Africa and he gave me a prescription for 2 other medications!  Wowza!  My arm is killing me today!

11:00 AM Rothman Institute.  I met with our rugby doc who is a sports medicine doctor.  The first thing he said to me was “I know you aren’t going to stop running”.  LOL!  He said it was slight Achilles Tendinitis and gave me some stretches and things to do.  He also said I could get heel lifts for my sneakers.

1:30 PM General Practitioner.  After lunch, I met with my GP to talk about Celiac testing. I told her how I changed my diet and when I added gluten products back in, I felt crummy, which is why I wanted to get tested.  Some people asked why get tested if I intend on not eating gluten that often?  Because I want to be sure if it is a disease or just an intolerance.  A disease has real consequences whereas I can push an intolerance with a treat now and then.  It’s just good to know.  She gave me the paperwork and the go ahead.

3:00 PM Labcorp.  I headed right over to the lab to get my blood work done so I could stop eating bread ASAP.  Two more needles in my arm and we were finally done with the doctors!  Just waiting to hear back!  I’ve had enough of the doctors for a while!!

Now, its time to get my week organized.  I have to figure out my meal plan for the next few days (with only 4 eggs in the fridge!!) and get lots of stuff done at work.  All on minimal sleep and a caffeine drip!

3 thoughts on “Day of Doctors

  1. LOVE a swing bob. I’m growing out mine to do that again. It’s a DRAG growing out fringe but I’m tired of it after almost a year 🙂

    Lifts for running is smart!

    1. …I’ve torn both Achilles tendons (one leg was all ligaments and tendons torn–which was a drag to be sure) and it takes little to P them off and a long time to heal but it *will* heal!

  2. oh my!!! one doctors visit can be enough for me, but you had a bunch in one day! I guess it gets them all over with in one day! I can’t wait to hear what they say!

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