Heat Hater

I’ve been studying all day for my exam tomorrow and I needed a quick break.  What better than to go for a run to get the blood moving right?  And its beautiful out!  It will be a great run!  WRONG.


I didn’t even make it the full 2 miles!  I was running pretty fast because there were walk breaks in there.  But its too hot!!!  Bring back winter!!  I hate the heat!  I never complain this much about being cold on a run.  I whine about it at first but never afterwards.  I really hate running in the heat.  Uuuugh, its going to be a long summer of marathon training.

DSCN6587On top of that, these puppies were giving me issues.  I bought these back in January as new running shoes and they just haven’t been working.  Ugh, I hate buying running sneakers!  You have to buy like 8 pairs before you find a pair you like.  Too much money!  A half mile in today and my feet were numb and my calf hurt (which is when I decided to walk the rest of the way home).  These are going to be strictly cross trainers from now on.  Maybe they will work for Insanity but no more running in them!

Now more running between now and Saturday!  And if its this hot that day, its not going to be fun!

PS.  I was at the store the other day and look what I found!


7 thoughts on “Heat Hater

  1. Im a heat hater too. Its 80 here, so instead of running today I went on a bike ride. But its better than nothing!
    Ive never heard of a salad chopper- did you buy it?

    1. No, I didn’t get it. A lot of people on Spark People were asking how to make chopped salads so I thought it was funny! I am better with a knife!

  2. I also HATE the heat! I don’t even like running with sunshine on me unless it’s below 40 degrees. LOL I ran outside this afternoon and mercy, I felt like I was going to be sick I got so hot. It was over 80 degrees. Gonna be a long spring/summer if this keeps up.

    Regarding your shoes, do you have a specialty running store near you? Fleet Feet [and others like it] will analyze your gait, fit you properly, and has a great return policy…so great you could take your shoes on a run in the mud and they’d take them back within the return time frame (and it’s really generous, too). I have very picky feet and have bought too many pair of shoes on my own that I couldn’t use for walking or running, but every pair I’ve bought with Fleet Feet have been perfect.

    1. I have been to Fleet Feet but haven’t gotten fitted there. I know how great they are though! Next time, I am going to do exactly that. I actually found that a pair I bought last October will work well. I at first thought they weren’t good but I think it was because I was still injured from a race. Now, they feel great when I run in them! I just need sneakers that have minimal padding. Not barefoot but almost. The last pair I got, the guy said they were like racing flats if that gives you an idea! This pair just has sooooo much padding, I don’t know what I was thinking!

  3. STL (I’m a couple hours SW but we’re even HOTTER) has broken heat records 3 or 4 days straight now. I hate it.

    Love the chopper! That looks like a PIZZA CUTTER! I wonder if a pizza cutter in a bowl would do as good of a job? Report back, eh?

    1. It looked like a double bladed pizza cutter. Should do the same thing, you might have to cut more than with this one but works the same!

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