Photo Challenge Day 12
Day 12 – A picture that defines you This one was a hard one but I finally settled on something simple and easy that I…
Photo Challenge Day 11
Day 11 – A picture of your IPOD or other music playing device on shuffle, and then list the first 10 songs that play. Today’s…
Photo Challenge Day 10
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 10 – A picture of your closest friend …
Photo Challenge Day 9
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 09 – A picture that motivates you to…
Photo Challenge Day 8
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 08 – A picture of your favorite color …
Photo Challenge Day 7
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 07 – A picture of your most treasured…
Photo Challenge Day 6
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 06 – A picture of a person…
Photo Challenge Day 5
The explanation of the photo challenge can be found on Day 1’s blog here: Photo Challenge. Day 5: A picture of your favorite animal. My…