Playing Catch Up

Hello everyone!  I’m back from my trip!!  I actually arrived back in the States on Saturday but I was completely exhausted.  I had these grand plans to hit the ground running but I underestimated how exhausted I would be from all the traveling.  I finally *almost* feel normal today.  Anyway, on to today’s blog!

Health & Fitness

My first marathon is less than 7 weeks away!  And I have a half marathon in less than 2 weeks.  This means I really need to start being more consistent with all my workouts, especially my runs.  Stress is boiling over but we all know that exercise helps with stress.  The problem is, no time!

As for my eating, I want to go strict Paleo this month.  I had wanted to start on Saturday but like I said, I was exhausted.  The last thing I wanted to do was cook.  This was not a Paleo weekend one bit but I can start today and keep it up for the rest of the month!


Blogging takes a lot of time sometimes but its something I enjoy.  It actually helps me relax and relieve stress.  This month has already started out hectic though so I may be a little lax in my blogging for the next few weeks.  I have a lot of blog related emails to get back to from last week also plus the write ups about the trip.  Just bear with me while I get back into my groove.

On a side note, I had wanted to do a photography challenge for myself this month but I never picked one out with all the craziness last week.  Luckily though, I saw that Charissa at ColourFul Palate is doing an Instagram Contest this month.  I am bummed I already missed some days but I might join in late!


Everything related to school is insane right now.  I have tons of work to do for my research an a meeting on Friday.  Classes started last week, and I think there is even homework due today (but obviously I wasn’t here last week so hopefully the teacher will let me hand it in next week – she knew we would be away).  I’m already behind and I haven’t even had class yet!!

Home Life

Finally, I really miss being home.  I miss being around Rob all the time and it makes me sad being alone at school.  I wish school and home were closer together so I could stay at home but it is what it is.  Commuting is not feasible (2 hours one way).  This just adds another level of stress to things.

On top of all the other things going on in life, Rob’s rugby season starts next weekend!  So that means, I don’t have a free Saturday now through November.  (And Sundays are for homework/studying/work). 

I really need to keep it together the next few months.  Just getting started this week is going to be the most hectic.  Looks like it is going to be a crazy Fall semester!

6 thoughts on “Playing Catch Up

  1. Welcome home!

    It’s boring but if you want to eat very strict, boil a dozen eggs at a time (luckily, you have the best), if you must, buy frozen salmon or tilapia (easiest to find and salmon is better for you) and thaw out at least 4 at a time. I buy like from Costco but if I’m at Target, I’ll get the lower quality.

    You may not have a George Foreman grille… Mine’s SO OLD (like 20 years) that all you do is PLUG IT IN OR TAKE IT OUT OF THE SOCKET. Nothing fancy but that lil ******* grills EASILY, quick and my showers are so fast, I can put em on, shower and get out to unplug it! If you don’t have the easy grille option, steam your veg on the stove then, turn it to lowest and place the thawed fish on top, lid and let it steam for a bit. Fish cooks fast. Steaming almost ensures you’ll get moist fish, too.

    Basically? I eat tons of egg and fish if I’m pressed for time, which is most of the time. I always have a bowl of boiled eggs in the fridge AND I like to have cooked beef, fish, whatever in the fridge. I will come in the door and eat 4 hunks of beef, cold out of the fridge. I know this isn’t “elegant” but when I’m gone well over 12hrs a day? It gets something in my belly and it’s whole foods! Boring? Unbalanced? Whatever. 🙂

    1. Great idea, Lily! I have an old George, too! Never thought to throw salmon on it…You just saved me on Soccer Nights!

    2. Yes I love my Foreman Grill! I use it often and like you said, throw it on the grill before heading to the shower. LoL. I also use my toaster oven for easy cooking.

      Tonight, I am going to make my egg muffins and batch cook some sausage and zucchini to take to school for the rest of the week. I also bought some ground turkey but I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet!

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