Run With Me

Good morning!  I am feeling great this morning because I got my butt out of bed at early o’clock and met Alissa for a run!

That is a snapshot of my Daily Mile profile.  I love tracking my runs there and did you notice the cool widgets I have on The Chicken Scoop from them?  You can even import your data from your Garmin (although its in beta so its sometimes flaky).  Anyway!  She had to do 8 miles so I tagged along for the first part.  She is a faster runner than me so I felt a little bad but she seemed happy to have company.  She did help me keep a bit faster pace though.  Overall, a decent run for me!

We also had an interesting conversation about my motivation and the marathon coming up.  I haven’t been training like I should.  It’s not that I’ve been making excuses so much as that I just haven’t thought about the fact that its in 18 weeks!  I need to get better at putting it at the front of my mind.  This actually occurred to me yesterday too because I emailed Kristen my running plan for the week.  This way, we can be somewhat accountable, sort of like we’re digitally training together!  (Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you Tiff!  You will be getting emails too!)  I may need to get crafty tonight and make some sort of goal board for my apartment.  Something that is fun and I can track my progress!

In other good news, remember I met a girl many months ago who had just moved here and runs too?  Well, we have been texting here and there but haven’t managed to get together yet.  Well, we are running tomorrow morning, 3 miles in a local park!  2 running dates in one week!  At this rate, I’ll have no problem sticking to my plan!

Goal Update
Goals went well yesterday!  I ran, tracked all my food, drank all my water, and blogged!  I did have grains at breakfast though so I’m thinking a 0 for Paleo.  I was rushed in the morning because I didn’t leave myself enough time and ended up with a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks.  I need better planning on Mondays (I drive the 2 hours back to school).  Any ideas for food on the go?  Can I make a breakfast wrap with lettuce?  LoL.  Might be messy…  Until tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “Run With Me

  1. You *can* make a wrap out of lettuce leaf, kale, beet greens, etc (I eat them all raw but spinach is too small…).

    I prefer boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast, if I’m needing something that’s entirely portable. I eat a lot of boiled eggs!

  2. how do you get your dailymile on your blog!?!? I just signed up! now we can really keep track of whats going on!

    1. On your homepage on DailyMile, scroll down and on the right, under “Find Your Friends” there is a small link that says “Add widget to your blog.”. They give you a bunch of options! Love it!

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