A Runner’s Schedule

Between bad weather, travel, and grad school commitments, my training has been getting all thrown off lately.

Sunday, I ran 5.5 miles.
Monday, I ran 4.5 miles.
Tuesday, I had tons of classes and I drove 2 hours to school so I barely moved.
Wednesday, I did a HIIT session on the treadmill.
Thursday, I was a lazy bum.

Thursday, I should have ran because today, it is raining like crazy.  I planned on doing my long run today while Rob is at work so Thursday was initially a rest day but its nasty out and there is no way I was going to do 15 miles on a treadmill or in the rain.  So I should have done something yesterday, right?  Better planning next time?  Though I felt insanely busy yesterday too even though I really wasn’t…

It is so tricky being a runner in training.  Most people just workout whenever they can/want to on a regular basis but we runners have to plan everything around the infamous “long run” (LR). 

Workout the day before the LR?  Only if it’s a very slow, very short run…  Like a mile or two… at walking pace  Winking smile  So if you took your rest day (Thursday) but then your run got pushed off (rain), you now how 2 rest days before your run.

And weight training?  Well, you can’t have your legs sore for you LR so you have to do your lower body workout at least 4 days before the LR, but that means you are doing it only 2 days after your LR (not including the day of the LR) and you legs are probably still sore so that lower body workout won’t be that great anyway.

So complicated!  I can’t wait for March 18th, the day after the marathon when I can choose to workout on whatever day I like and do whatever I want!  For now, I will try not to skip so many workouts…

On a more serious note!  My plan for the next week coming up:

Saturday:  15 Miles (OMG!!!)
Sunday:  Workout DVD, mostly cardio
Monday:  HIIT
Tuesday:  Workout DVD
Wednesday:  Endurance run, Sign up for School Gym
Thursday:  8AM Body Pump at the Gym!
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  16 Miles (EEEK!!!)

7 thoughts on “A Runner’s Schedule

  1. thats my big thing about training to- the idea that “I have to run X miles this week”. it makes me not want to run 1 mile! haha

    1. Me too!!!! Uuugh! I’ve been going by time more lately and like that much better. “Run for 1 hour” doesn’t seem as terrible as “Run 5 miles” even though 5 miles is actually about the same or even a little less! Ha!

  2. It *is* seriously complicated!

    It’s been raining here all day (really miserable, gray, yuk) so I skipped walking the dog. She’s accustomed to a 3 mile hike through the woods daily & does NOT like missing. I couldn’t bear the thought, so much mud & ice. I’ve wiped out recently and just got rid of those wicked bruises. Some days it’s best to take a break!

    Happy weekend, friend!

  3. I have to say…planning everything around my long run isn’t my favorite part of half marathon training. But we’re still working towards accomplishing our running goals! That’s what really counts.

  4. I hear you…though I wing it more often than not with the cross training. Last year when we did 2 rounds of P90X and I was half marathon training, I didn’t change up the P90X schedule at all…I just did whatever it was scheduled for the day and did my run schedule for the day…seemed to work since I was used to both workouts. Now that I am finally cleared to run again (YEAH!!!!) I will start working them back together.
    Good luck this week – hope the weather and schedules don’t foil your plans!!!!

    1. I have been majorly slacking on anything that isn’t running. I think I might start either using my Jackie Warner DVD again for strength or doing the New Rules of Lifting again. Not sure yet. I have P90X too, I could do that but am afraid to jump into it now, even if its just 2 days a week (unless of course, you recommend which 2 DVDs, perhaps yoga on Mondays and something else on Thursday? hehe)

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