February Goals

It’s February!  Wow!  When did that happen?!  So I haven’t been making monthly goals and when I do, I don’t really pay attention or stick to them.  BUT, I’m going to try again and see how it goes.

First off, this month is just going to be insanity and being organized always helps me out.


As you can see, I put in my new training plan for the half marathon.  I’m not sure about the long run distanced on the weekend.  I may up them all by 1 mile and reduce the last one by 2 miles as a taper.  But otherwise, this is my goal schedule.  I never stick to a training schedule 100% but I like to have it there so I have a plan!  So anyway, here is what I want to do this month:


They are pretty self-explanatory really.  My focus is all over the place this month.  I have been better at working out regularly but I want to increase it to more often (the 4 days a week).  I have been off and on with tracking and I think it really helps when I do track so that is something I need to concentrate on.  Also, I have not been meal planning lately and it makes it really hard during the week to cook (and grocery shop).  I keep ending up with a bunch of things and no clue what to make.  It takes time to meal plan (taking time away from school, Rob, etc.) but I think its really something that I need to do.  Maybe I can incorporate it into my blogging to save time?  LoL.  I am ready to take on this month!

What are you goals for February?

3 thoughts on “February Goals

    1. We are going to be staying in Dublin. We’re going with Rob’s rugby team so it should be interesting. I think most of our trip is planned for us already. I haven’t seen the itinerary yet but I’m hoping that we are free that Saturday around 11 because I found a trail run!!! How cool would that be to do a race while I’m there?!
      PS. Anyplace that I *must* see in the city while I’m there? I love big historic places with beautiful architecture and great history… 🙂

  1. Looks good! Of course, looking forward to a trip should help you stay on track, too! Have a great time while you are there – and enjoy the trail run!! How awesome! Kristen went to Ireland, too…ask her where she was – she may have some suggestions, too!

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