Weekend Plans

Change of plans!  I was going to go home this weekend but decided it would just be better if I stayed at school to study for my exam tomorrow (and recover from this week too).  Rob has to work overtime tomorrow so I figured he would come down tomorrow afternoon… which he is… but he’s on his way now too!  He is going to leave at 4AM tomorrow to go to work and then come back again tomorrow night.  This is why I love him!!

The training schedule says 9 miles this weekend but I have a dilemma.  I don’t know where to run!  I mapped out an 8.25 mile route on mapmyrun.com and then drove it but found out that the sidewalk ends, the road gets narrower, but the traffic doesn’t get any thinner, so that’s a no.  There is another college right by my apartment that has a loop around the entire campus.  I did mapmyrun.com and I think it said it was something like 1.4 miles.  I am not sure exactly how long it was but my point is that I can just run loops there if I have to.  That is probably what I will do tomorrow.  Most other weekends when I start hitting really high mileage (15+), I will be home and am familiar with the running routes.

Sunday, I am supposed to do cross training.  I may just do another run.  I have 1 workout DVD here but no weights.  There is no Dick’s or Sports Authority here (I know!!!  How AWFUL!!) so I have to find a place to get weights.  Maybe TJ Maxx? 

Still not eating the greatest but its not terrible either.  Rob and I are probably going to get Chinese food when he gets here.  Have to find out if its any good around here!  And I usually get the Hunan shrimp which isn’t so bad in calories despite being loaded with sodium.  Otherwise, I had my usual omelet and oatmeal breakfast and today was a PB&J for lunch (wasn’t feeling the salald).  I got really hungry after finishing my homework so while I was at Target, I bought a giant container of their raw nuts by Archer Farms (love that brand!).  I ate some in the car and had a bowl of cereal when I got home to hold me over until Rob gets here.  I think I am backloading my calories (eating most of my calories at the end of the day) when I should be frontloading but I am always worried that I will go over because of a snacking fest or large dinner if I have too much earlier in the day.  Something I need to work on or research for a blog topic?  Hm…

That is it for me for today.  Only one more final and this semester is over!  Woohoo!!

What are your plans this weekend?

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