A Day With Me!

I thought it would be fun to do a blog that followed me around all day but apparently I have a pretty boring day and I realized this pretty quickly.  Well, I did the best I could with the pictures I took so you guys can at least see a normal routine for me!

I always try to work out first thing in the morning so its over and done with! And my apartment is the coolest then too.  My workout yesterday really did kick my butt.  I was sweating buckets of water!  I really love Bob’s workout DVDs which I why I have them all.  Did you know they are only $5 right now on his website?  Did you read my review yesterday too?  I’m giving away a copy of Inside Out Method Pure Burn!


I was really snacky yesterday so you can see a couple granola bars and some candy.  Totally not like me at all.  The banana is my pre-workout food.  Since its first thing in the morning, I am hungry so I have to have something.  Yesterday, I ate a mini luna bar during my workout because I was so hungry!


I did not eat all of those candies, that is a picture of the bowl of candy, lol.  I also forgot to take a picture of my dinner until it was almost gone (red bowl).  It was spaghetti squash with asparagus, tomato sauce, and sausage.  Yum!

To wind down last night, I attached my cell phone to my TV to watch some movies and shows (no cable here, loving the netflix app!).  I also started working on my blog for the morning.  Then right before bed, I read a little and drink some tea.


And let’s talk about sleep.  I feel asleep on the couch last night!  I actually let myself in hopes it would be solid sleep.  No chart for that but it was like an hour.  Then I headed to bed and set my alarms.  Love the mood lighting in my room too.  It cuts down on the harsh white light to help me calm down (lamp from Ikea).


Last night, I turned the air-conditioning on finally.  I just couldn’t stand it anymore!  And my Galileo said it was 75 degrees in here.  Blech!  Well, I slept slightly better!  Look at all that blue!


In case you were curious, here is an old sleep chart from October.  Just look at the difference!


And the breathless thing has actually decreased slightly but I have an appointment with my general practitioner tomorrow to see what she thinks!  Maybe I should print her some of my sleep charts too?  LoL.  I’m not that worried about the sleep thing as I am about the breathing thing!  But they could be related?  I’m hoping it all is just stress and I just need to relax.

Speaking of which, it’s a long weekend and I am super excited!  I have at least 2 things to go to and maybe 3 if Lauren decides to throw a last minute barbecue.  I also have some running planned and some projects to do.  Oh yeah, and hang out with Rob all weekend!  Can’t wait!!

Do you have any plans for Memorial Day?

5 thoughts on “A Day With Me!

    1. I wear my FitBit to bed and it generates those sleep charts for me by tracking my movement through the night! Cool right??

  1. I’m glad you got some better sleep. Hopefully that will become the trend.

    I see you’re reading “The End of Overeating”. Excellent book!

  2. love the day in a life of angela! I have to get my workouts in in the morning as well, otherwise it never happens

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