Tough Workout at Ambitious

What a workout today.  Caroline (the trainer and owner at Ambitious Fitness) really kicked my butt today.  I think it was a combination of just having a blah day and the particular moves she picked but it really had me feeling exhausted.

2016-08-15 17.39.39

We started with an easy warm up consisting of rowing, dynamic stretching, and pushups.  Next was a 12 minute, every minute on the minute workout, of squats and box jumps.  I pissed off my knee at my first workout a few weeks ago so I had a really hard time with these.  I was compensating for my knee by leaning too far forward which sent my lower back into angry spasms.  It was not my strong side today.

Next up, we did a quick Tabata workout (4 minutes total, alternating moves for 20 seconds each) of jump rope and sit ups.

Our last segment, 12 minutes as many reps as possible, had running or rowing, kettlebell swings, split squats, and windshield wipers.  Obviously, I had trouble with the split squats and had to hold onto a post to assist me.  I tried running for the first round and felt like I was going to keel over so I switched to rowing for the rest of the workout.

I just felt awful; it was just a crappy workout day.  I did what I could today and hopefully I can get some good rest tonight and be ready for tomorrow.  Bad workouts happen!


My nutrition hasn’t been exactly on point today.  I got something to-go at Wawa this morning- an egg white and veggie panini – not bad but I’m trying to cook more.  Lunch was homemade chicken, broccoli, and rice – the stereotypical healthy meal!  I had a Kind Protein Bar which was fantastic.  They are savory instead of sweet and I am in love with them.


There was cake at work today because the main contractor was bought out and they were being welcomed to the new company.  One of my coworkers brought me down a piece of cake after the meeting.  It was actually really delicious cake and a reasonable side so no regrets there.

I am going out to dinner tonight with a friend so in the end, I might be a little off my target for the day.  It is okay to splurge sometimes but I feel like its been too often lately.  One thing at a time though.  I’m getting my fitness on target.  When that starts to become second nature, then its time to add something else.

Well, time to go.  Look at that, two blogs in one week!  Hopefully I will continue to find a little time here and there for blogging again.  I miss it!

Do you find diet or exercise easier to maintain?

For me, diet has always been harder than exercise.  I’d rather move more than try to count every calorie!

One thought on “Tough Workout at Ambitious

  1. That’s sounds like a tough workout!! Still wished we lived closer 🙁
    I definitely find my diet harder to maintain. Yesterday was wayyyy over. Today will be better right?!?!

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