Florida Bound

So big news around here, I’m going to Florida!  I don’t know if I mentioned it yet but I’ll be doing a practicum (learning internship…

The Science Behind Food

A few months ago, I bought a copy of the September 2013 Special Food Issue of Scientific American that I was super excited to read…

Enjoying the Spring

Happy Monday!  It has been over a week since my last blog, wow!  It is so busy right now at school.  The end of the…

April Fitness Challenge

I can’t believe it is April!  That means there is exactly 1 month left in this semester and my first year of Medical Physics grad…

Review: TwoGrand Smartphone App

For the past few weeks, I’ve been using a new app to track my food called TwoGrand, and I’m in love.  I had been looking…

5 Years and Counting

Did you know it has been 5 years since I started getting healthy?!  A few months after getting married, I had had enough and started…

30-By-30 Week 12

Weight – 178ish? I forgot to weigh myself today but last time I checked, it was 178 point something which is slightly down.  Of course,…

Book Review: Cooking with Coconut Oil

Last week, I was kindly provided with a copy of the new cookbook Cooking with Coconut Oil by Elizabeth Nyland over at Guilty Kitchen.  This…