Book Review: It Starts With Food

A couple of weeks ago, I received a copy of “It Starts with Food” by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig.  I was really excited, as this…

Bobsled in Pictures

I remembered a camera!  Day 2 of bobsledding was pretty much like the first.  We rode down 6 times as Ida learned the ropes.  Before…

Getting Back Up

Now that I’m well slept and well fed, its finally sunk in.  I went bobsledding yesterday!  And it was fun! And I can totally understand…

Busy Bobsledder

So, I’ve been willingly kidnapped.  See, the plan this week was to stay home in NJ with my wonderful hubs, enjoy our time together, and…

Healthy Holidays Week 7: Be Happy

Weekly Focus:  Be Happy This week is an easy task.  Every day, I want you to come to write something positive down.  It could be…

Healthy Bucket List

Goal #1:  Run a Marathon (with minimal walking) Goal #2:  Run a Sub 25 Minute 5K Goal #3:  Train For and Complete an Extreme Race…

Tips For Healthy Eating

Tuesday’s Challenge for Healthy Holidays was to give a tip for making Healthy Eating easier in daily life.  Here are all the answers from my…

Big Plans for January

I’ve got big things planned for 2013.  Huge.  Its going to be the best year yet!  If I can get my act together…  I’m not…