Healthy Holidays W1D3 Recap

Just a quick recap blog today.  I am super busy with homework.  I figured I should post it now instead of in the morning so…

Healthy Holidays Challenge: Week 1 Challenges

So, some people have requested the daily challenges up front for the week so they can better prepare (or because they can’t get online every…

Paleo Cauliflower Rice

Today’s dinner was perfectly Paleo!  I was really craving tacos but knew that the traditional type wasn’t on the health food list for this challenge. …

Challenge Day 1 Complete!

First off, our weekly challenge is to log and share our food daily. These pictures aren’t in order but you can see I had: Breakfast: …

Healthy Holidays: Week 1 Day 1

Welcome to our first challenge!  First though, let me explain a little something.  You should have (or you will soon) picked your personal goals for…

The Healthy Holidays Challenge 2012

It’s here!  Its time for the Healthy Holidays Challenge that I promised you all.  I had really wanted to start on November 1st but with…

Hurricane Sandy Recap

Good news!  Power is back on at my house in NJ.  They warned us it may go out again but I’m just happy the heat…

Surviving Sandy! (So Far)

Hello everyone!  We are all safe here at the Chicken Scoop.  That includes friends and family!  The storm wasn’t as scary here (at my house)…