Summer Running Needs

Last winter I wrote about your Cold Weather Running Needs and you Night Time Running Needs.  Seeing as it is the first day of summer,…

Run With Me

Good morning!  I am feeling great this morning because I got my butt out of bed at early o’clock and met Alissa for a run!…

3 Week Challenge Update

Hello everyone! I don’t have time for a full blog but wanted to check in quickly. Let’s just go ahead and start with my goals…

Healthy & Unhealthy Tidbits

You guys probably don’t need a daily update but I had such a terrible day yesterday that I sort of feel the need to confess.…

Be a Skeptic

I am a huge skeptic.  I mean, I’m a scientist, so of course I want proof for claims, especially health claims.  And my demand for…

28th Birthday Recap!

Yesterday was my birthday!  I’m not big on birthdays really.  I prefer to just do whatever I want and hang out with Rob.  Well, I…

Fat and Sugar Please

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was full of ups and downs.  I wasn’t feeling great all morning so I headed home at lunch to get my…

Maiden Voyage

Yesterday was the first time out for my new pair of Brooks Pure Cadence sneakers! I bought them back in March at the DC Rock…