Breakfast Made Easy – Food Blog 12/14

First, fitness news… Fitness I didn’t go for my run!  I know, I should have just done it in the morning.  What happened was that…

It’s a Learning Process – Food Blog 12/13

Well, yesterday didn’t exactly go as planned.  I started off the day great and I managed to front load my calories, which I mentioned a…

Ending 2011 Right!

Good morning!  This morning started off pretty well for me.  I did sleep in a little too long.  I really need to set an alarm…

9 Miles – It’s Good to Be Back!

Weekend Change of Plans Well hello everyone!  Its been days since my last blog!!  This weekend went a little crazy.  Rob came down Friday night…

Weekend Plans

Change of plans!  I was going to go home this weekend but decided it would just be better if I stayed at school to study…


Good news!  I am almost done with this semester!  My two take home exams are handed in, I have homework and a short paper due…

Product Review: Chia Charger Peanut Butter

Chia Charger is a brand of nut butters with added chia seeds.  They come in different varieties.  I ordered a package of 3 different kinds…