Bar Hopping

OK this is going to be a quick post because Rob and I need to get on with our day!  Last night, we were meeting…

Time to Blog!

I have time to blog now so I will!  I love other bloggers that write multiple times per day so I figured why not?  Soon,…

8 Down, 5.1 To Go

It’s 2 weeks until my half and I am so. not. ready.  And its my own fault.  I got in some sort of funk this…

Food Blog 9/2: A Day Off!

I had today off!  I was so excited, especially after the long week I had.  I decided I would sleep in, finally rolling out of…

Schedule Craziness

I just felt overwhelmed, yet excited when I looked at my google calendar.  Figured I would share it with you all! Click on it to…

Food Blog 09/01/2011

Ugh!  That’s all I’ve got to say about today.  Just lots of ups and downs.  So on to my food and fitness! Workout Today, I…

Oh, September. Here Already?

To make goals or not?  I thought about not but I think I changed my mind (in a matter of 15 minutes or so).  I…

Morning Runner Jealousy

Source Every beautiful morning when I drive to work, I always manage to see someone being active.  Runners, cyclists, something.  I see the morning runner,…