August: Eating Healthy and Running

Every few months or so, I make goals for the month when I need to work on something.  I skip a month here or there…

Harry Potter Sadness & Chicken Pictures!

I’m so sad!  Harry Potter is over!!  Friday night, Rob and I decided to do an impromptu date night.  We decided on dinner and a movie. …

Breaking News: Chicks!!

Breaking News at the Chicken Scoop!  One of the eggs that the broody hens have been sitting on has hatched!   Bottom Right – doesn’t…

Vibrams to the Rescue!

After my post yesterday, I decided I wanted to show you how easy it really is to make eggs in the microwave so I photo…

Study Time

Yesterday was not an ideal eating day, but it wasn’t terrible either.  I started my day off with a delicious lazy breakfast!  I love having…

A Bouquet of Newly Sharpened Pencils

First off, how do you like the new Chicken Scoop design?  I made the background myself!!  On to my day… For a work day, yesterday…

Exercise DVD Review: Bob Harper’s Body Rev Cardio Conditioning

Today, I tried my new DVD:  Bob Harper’s Inside Out Method Body Rev Cardio Conditioning.  I have been curious about these DVDs for a while…

Stress-Free Sunday

Rob and I decided we wouldn’t set alarms this morning and we always regret that.  We finally rolled out of bed around 8 and I…