Finding My Vices

This week’s challenge is to avoid one vice that is standing between you and your health goals.  I had thought to go completely Paleo and then forgot about that and got corn chips at lunch today.  Doh!  Otherwise, it was a great meal!  Lettuce, steak, fajita veggies, and salsa.

I’ve also been drinking tea like crazy to avoid my biggest vice – milk and sugar.  I don’t put that much sugar in my regular coffee.  It is mostly a problem when I get a drink at Starbucks.  Even though I ask for less syrup, it is still more than I should probably be having!  Just in case though, I stashed some Stevia packets in my purse in a plastic baggie.  I’ve got coconut milk at that I can use as “creamer”.

So for the rest of the week, I’m going to get back onto the Paleo thing again.  Just an FYI, today I downloaded a free ebook on Amazon with a 21 day Paleo meal plan including 63 recipes.  Check it out!  I use the app on my phone to read these books 🙂  These recipes will help me get through the week!

So “the plan” is still the same as I mentioned last week:

There is a Body Pump class today at 5:15 that I would like to go to but I have a take home exam that is due this week.  Plus, there are some big things going on that might take up a whole ton of time very soon.  Things are just getting pretty stressful which means less time to worry about health and fitness.  I plan on continuing to blog since it keeps me on track.  I might take more pictures so I can just be like “see what I did and ate today!” just to save time.  LoL!

Well, its time to me to go be productive.  I have tutoring hour soon too.  No one ever comes but I have to sit there and wait.  I feel bad doing work while I wait because if anyone does show up, I don’t want them to feel like they are interrupting me.  Catch 22.  Well, I’m off!  Happy Monday!

3 thoughts on “Finding My Vices

  1. Downloaded the book to my Kindle! Thanks for the link. While I don’t plan on going completely paleo, I am interested in at least partially incorporating it into my eating plan.

  2. Thanks for the link! I downloaded it too and will share with one of my clients. I’ve been trying to think of what my vices are and the one that popped into my head yesterday was…dried fruit! So far this week, raisins in an apple recipe on Sunday – Strike 1. Monday – 3 dried plums and 2 dried apricots – Strike 2. Gonna try not to get to Strike 3! Thanks for making me aware…

    1. Ha! I had some dried plums last night way too close to bed time. I hardly ever eat dried fruit but I ate least try and have it in the mornings when I can use the energy.

      Also, I started flipping through that book. Its not bad and they tell you no grains or dairy (I think) but some of the recipes I saw had quinoa and cheese. So not exactly my version of Paleo but the recipes seem pretty good otherwise. I’m not sure about the meal plan as so of the “meals” have no protein (one was basically just sauteed veggies). I’m going to use it as a handy recipe book!

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