Pinterest Project: Roman Shades

I had decided a few weeks ago that if I’m going to pin things on Pinterest, I should start using some of them.  I’m not one of those people who pins everything she likes.  That is fine too but I would never look at them again really.  I pin things that I think will be useful, and I only have a few things that I pinned just because I really, really liked them.  Anyway, so the weekend before last I tackled my second Pinterest project: Roman Shades.


The reason this project was so important is, as you can see, the cats have been DSC_0400destroying our blinds!  They broke off a lot of the little plastic ends and our house was looking a little disheveled.  I needed to do something about it!

I enlisted the help of my mom and we got started.  This project just needs a set of blinds, fabric, fabric glue, and scissors and you are ready to go.  The first one was tricky but we had the hang of it by the second one.


We were so happy with the finished product!  Of course, now we have to see how these stand up to the little fur-terrors.


I don’t think the shades have a chance….


We also did some sewing projects my mom and I had sitting around.  I made these new curtains for our kitchen:


And that’s it for now!  I forgot to take pictures of our other projects like the cute pillows my mom made me or the sundresses she made for my nieces.  Look out tomorrow for a post full of baby birdies, chickens, and the kitties!

4 thoughts on “Pinterest Project: Roman Shades

  1. Those are lovely! I’m not good at “useful” creative stuff, unfortunately.

    I tend to pin things ONLY as reminders. That way, it’s easy for me to find stuff at home (when my smartphone is my only access to internet). I go to Pinterest and look through MY pins til I find whatever it is!

  2. Ooh! I need to find that one! I plan on starting some of my projects now that I have more time in the evenings to get stuff done (so I’m not spending my entire weekend playing catch-up). Just gotta find one and go. 🙂

  3. super cute!! and I pinned the roman shade pin as well, someday I will get around to it haha

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