Starting April Right

First, how do you like the new layout/theme??  I think its good for now until I have time to work on a more customized one!

Today, I just want to do a quick recap for the week on how my goals are going.  THis should keep me accountable.  I want to do it before the weekend because that is when I slip up the most.  Blogging about it on Friday will “remind” me of my goals!

Goal 1: Drink 8 Glasses of Water

This is basically “Drink more water” which I have been doing!  So I call it a success.  I shoot for 8 glasses and get really close or over every day so far and this is great for me!  Way more than I had been drinking.

Goal 2:  Workout 4 Times Per Week

Tuesday, I worked out twice!  Sort of…  After my run, I still had energy so I popped in a Bob Harper DVD.  Totally unlike me to do a DVD after a run.  It felt great!


Wednesday, I was too busy with school so no workout.  Thursday, I really wasn’t feeling a run but knew I had to do something so I ended up with another Bob DVD.  I wasn’t enjoying it so I took it out and put in a different one instead and finished that one out for a total of 40 minutes of movement.  Woohoo!  Stormageddon made it a little difficult though because he thought it was play time.

Who me?

The plan for the weekend is to workout today, any workout.  Running is optimal but its raining out so I’ll take Zumba, X-Box Kinnect, Bob Harper, whatever!  Yoga or rest tomorrow, then a long run on Sunday of about 2 hours (don’t care the distance so much).  I have the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in a few weeks and I’m so not ready but I will finish that race!  I wish I hadn’t gotten sick (derailed my training) but what can you do, right?

20130404_134602Goal 3:  Meal Plan Weekly

I have to hit the store today because we’re out of certain things so I guess I need to plan today!  Earlier this week, the plan was just “use up leftovers” which I’ve done a great job of and never had to depend on fast food!

Goal 4:  Track Food Daily

I’ve done excellent with this!  I use the MyFitnessPal app on my phone all day long.  I decided to not stress over portions and calories so much as to just write down what I had.  This makes it a lot easier for me since I don’t really want to worry about calories, I want to eat intuitively.  But, even with my estimates, I’ve been hovering in a good range for myself.  I’d be worried if I was hitting 3000 calories a day or something crazy!

Goal 5:  Read For School

This one has been the hardest and I knew it would be!  I have such a hard time reading for school and getting my work done.  I get easily distracted or very sleepy while working, making it very hard to concentrate.  I think this goes directly back to my crappy diet.  I noticed while doing Paleo that I could concentrate better.  All the more reason to eliminate those grains!  Ah, I’m just a work in progress Smile

So not bad on my goals.  My first challenge is coming up as the weekends are always the hardest.  It starts to go downhill tonight and slide right into Monday morning.  I’m not going to let it happen this time!!

IMG_20130403_170948On a side note, back in February, I participated in a Twitter chat with FitFluential and Jeff O’Connell about 50 Cent’s new book Formula 50 – and I won a copy of the book!  I just got it a few days ago and already am enjoying it.  It is all about functional training and muscle endurance.  I’ve only read the introduction so I can’t say more but it sounds good so far.  I like the style of writing and the general “optimal health” theme (although he does talk about looking good too!).  After I read the book, I’ll have to decide if I want to do the 12 week program or not.  You know a full book review will be on its way once I’m done reading!  Funny though, it’s the complete opposite of my other love, Body Beast.  What can I say, I’m just a fitness junkie!  I love all sorts of workouts!

What is your favorite type of workout?

I really love lifting heavy things.  I love Body Pump classes and Body Beast!  I think I would also really enjoy CrossFit if I tried it (I love watching the CrossFit Games!).  My favorite lifting move is the Overhead Press.  It just makes me feel powerful!


One Day…

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