Up and Down Tuesday

Yesterday was going great!  I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch.  I was drinking my water.  I was getting things checked off my to-do list.  I even went for a run!  So let’s talk about that first.  I looked at the schedule I made and decided I didn’t like any of the options so I made up my own.  I decided to do a 5 minute warm up and then 1 minute of walking, 1 minute of jogging, and 1 minute of running.  Repeat 6 times. 


This workout ended up being perfect for me yesterday.  I felt great during the whole run.  Tired but not like I wanted to quit.  It was just hard enough for me.  I was also happy that I kept my running pace in about the same area.   It hovered between 9:15 and 9:33 for each running split (by the way, my 2 minute laps are the walking and jogging laps – I didn’t decide to add the walking under after lap 4).


So I had a great run and then when I got home, all hell broke loose.  I hadn’t been feeling quite right since Monday morning but thought nothing of it.  Well, as I was prepping dinner after my run, I ate some strawberries and a flood of stomach pain came on, just like the problems I had a few weeks ago.  I know that milk products sooth it so it was a bowl of ice cream for dinner.  Not the healthiest but the least pain-causing.  I stopped at the store this morning for antacids and I’m going to make an appointment with my doctor next week to see if we can figure this out.  It could be stress-induced high acid or it could be something worse so its best to get checked out!

In other news, I finally caught up with my adviser for school and we’re making a plan for my work this summer.  It sounds like I will go with the non-thesis degree and then just do research for him this summer and hopefully get a paper out of it by the end.  So far so good!  I have to write up everything I have so far and meet with him again next week.  The next few days are going to be jam-packed with work.  Now, off to find something to eat that doesn’t make me cry (I’m thinking rice, I heard that is nice on tummies).  Wish me luck!

Do you have any special summer plans?

I am just glad I had work to do.  Hopefully I can squeeze in some beach days too!

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