30-By-30 Week 3

30By30.jpgI’ve made a goal to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday in June.  These are my weekly updates!

Measurements – Lost!

Weight: 179.4 lbs – Down 1.2 lbs. Total of 1.8 lbs lost.


As you can see, I’m a bit off track of goal. Now is the time to take care of that before it gets out of hand!

Nutrition – Almost Made It

This week was basically the same as last week.  I was doing really well until yesterday.  It all started with the Munchkins my professor brought in for our early morning class (she really is the best always bringing us treats).  Except, I can’t control myself around those things.  I had 2 and then gasped that those little things are 70 calories each.  But that didn’t stop me from eating like 5 more when I found them on the lounge table before lunch.  Whoops.

Then last night, I was rushed and hungry and almost to the train station where I planned on getting food when I realized that I left my ID and train pass in my locker.  So I basically had to run to get them and run back to the train station (a 0.75 mile walk).  I had about 5 minutes to spare and the Auntie Anne’s kiosk had no line so…


I was so glad I had worn sneakers and not dressed up like I was supposed to (a whole different story).  The soda was for a headache since I can’t take medicine for it.

Exercise – Walking Counts

I don’t know why I can’t manage to get to the gym.  You would think since I’m paying for it, that would be motivation but no.  So let’s talk my steps.


You can obviously see I had classes on Wednesday and Thursday.  I blew my goal out of the water those days!  Monday was just one meeting on campus and pretty much laziness the rest of the day (compare that to Tuesday) so you can see that traveling to school helps a lot.  It definitely counts as fitness!  But I still want to hit the gym more for the intense cardio and the lifting.

Sleep – Up and Down

I like the new lower sensitivity on my FitBit.  I don’t move when I am awake sometimes though so I’m not sure the amount of sleep reported is correct but I think it is picking it up when I am really restless.  There were several days this week that I slept great, better than I have in months.  There were also a few very, very restless days too though!

How I Was Feeling – Energetic

I really had amazing amounts of energy this week and felt like my “old self” (which has been a while).  I also concentrated on not getting stressed over things (like the mad dash to the train last night) and being more positive and happy.  I felt great this week!

Things I Did Well – Stepping my way to Happy

Between all the walking and the great mood, it was a pretty good week!

Things To Work On – Food Tracking

I definitely need to “own up” to my splurges so tracking is a must.  I do the best on days I plan and the worst on days I don’t (on both tracking and eating).  You can see the correlation.

Do you use your daily walking as a replacement for the gym on busy days?

I don’t have time (yesterday I was out of the house 6:30AM – 8:45PM).  I am happy if I get 10,000 steps so I am not too worried about Wednesday and Thursday.  I still need to do more though in order to lose the weight, especially on my days off!

Don’t forget to give Kristen some support in her 30 to 29 Challenge!

10 thoughts on “30-By-30 Week 3

  1. I don’t know how you do it.
    Keep up the good work and the rest will follow!
    Anytime you want to meet for a walk, just let me know!

  2. That’s hilarious with the ‘trainstation run!’

    I’m doing better, too. I posted about my ‘points ‘n paleo’ ridiculously because I can’t be trusted to eat as much as I want [need, whatever] because I will eat AS MUCH AS I CAN. Mmm, coconut cream!

    1. Oh, I hear you there! Figs and dates are my bad influence…can’t even buy them anymore…don’t trust myself, even if i say it’s to make a “bar”…And I totally agree with the mmm…coconut cream!

  3. sounds like a great week! I need to chart my weight lose to see if im on track. May I ask, how did you do that? you are the queen of graphs 🙂

  4. What do you use to track your steps? I think that would be great for the days you can’t get to the gym. Congrats on your progress. 🙂

    1. I wear a FitBit One (which is also how I track my sleep). I absolutely love it!! I used to have the FitBit Zip which also tracks steps and distance but not sleep. A great option for a lower price 🙂

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