Back in Action

First, if you missed it, I blogged yesterday about my weekend and how sick I’ve been the last few days.

I woke up this morning feeling 1000 times better than yesterday. While I am still sick, I at least can function somewhat normally. My mind doesn’t feel as tired as it did yesterday. I think this weekend was relaxing enough to really help remove some stress I have been dealing with lately. Everything just got overwhelming for a bit there and then I got sick. It was like a landslide!

Today, I am feeling much more clear headed. I have lots of small to-dos on my list but I’m trying to ignore them in favor of the big things that need to be done. Here are two big things that need to get done today:
emoticon Do my electromagnetics homework (from last week).
emoticon Do my online training/forms for school.

Of course, there are always health and fitness things that need to be done too:
emoticon Cook a healthy dinner (and make enough for tomorrow’s lunch too)
emoticon Make a meal plan for the week.

Notice there is no workout listed. I want to let my body rest and heal before trying to pound it with that missed 18 mile run. With how run down I feel from this cold thing, I know that a workout right now would just make me feel worse, especially a 4 hour run! (And when do I have 4 free hours too?!)

I’m going to take this week day by day. I have tons of work but I won’t let myself get overwhelmed. I need to start eating better too but that might be a topic for tomorrow (and something to think about as I make my meal plan for the week). Anyway, I think I will leave off here. I want to get started on my to-do list for today! Happy Monday!

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