Tackling Tuesday

Good morning everyone! Today is just a recap blog:

First, I am still feeling really sickies. It has settled down in my chest now and really taken hold. It looks like I won’t be able to squeeze in that 18 mile run like I wanted to. I can’t stop coughing just sitting here, I doubt a long run will help. I might try just doing 2 miles or so in another day or two.

This brings me to my training dilemma. Marathon training has not been going well for me as you guys have seen. Now, what should I do? I am scheduled to do a 20 mile run this weekend. I am assuming I will be well enough by then to run a serious long run but should I attempt 20 when I missed the 18 miler? Just run as long as I can? Thoughts from my marathoners? At that point, what is a difference of 2 miles…

On another note, yesterday I was feeling super clear headed and ready to take on the world! And then throughout the day, I just had things piling up again. I felt stressed again by the end of the day. I’m thinking my workout needs to be shifted to the evenings to help this. Maybe even mid-day workouts. Of course, that is when I’m back to health after this cold.

Today’s work goals are the same as yesterday:
emoticon Lasers Homework (due today)
emoticon Online training (due Friday)

Health goals:
emoticon Drink lots of water to help this cold.
emoticon Eat simple, plain foods.

Yesterday, I ate something that bugged me, and I also ate crappy over the weekend. I have to “detox” my body again. If only I could behave on the weekends! I am trying to make sure to eat solely for fuel today and not pleasure. Sure, its nice to enjoy your food but I really need to avoid anything that will upset my stomach today, including spices and sauces. Luckily I have lots of delicious things like salmon, pineapple, sweet potatoes, etc. Things that are very flavorful all on their own!

Well, I need to be off to tackle that homework! It doesn’t look too hard but I also want to read some chapters from the book. Always things to do!

5 thoughts on “Tackling Tuesday

  1. Back when I ran my 1st marathon, we capped our distance at 18. I’d say if you can get in 18, you should be ok. If you’re feeling it, go for the 20. 18 should be fine though… better to listen to your body! Feel better!

    1. btw..I did 18 last weekend, doing 10-12 this weekend and my 20 next weekend. you won’t want to do super long back to back…so stick to one of those really long ones and call it done!

    2. LoL that was the plan actually! I will shoot for 20 but hope for a minimum of 16-18. (16 would be bad but it would be something). I am hoping that the walking bits of the run/walk thing don’t hurt my Achilles though. My ankle didn’t hurt at all after the half! And I have my MRI on Monday morning. Ha! We’ll know two things: if my ankle still really hurts and if its really injured or not. Good timing, right before St Louis! I’m doing it, no matter what! (Unless my doctor tells me that if I do, I will injure my ankle so bad that I may never run again… Then I might listen to him… We’ll see!)

      1. Good luck! If you are able to run, I’d stick with the run/walk…it will be less wear and tear…Let me know what the good Dr. says!

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