First Free Weekend

Wow this has been a crazy weekend!  I wrote about making dinner on Friday in my blog the other night (Ricotta Stuffed Chicken).  Saturday, I woke up nice and early to have a nice pre-run breakfast (which went quick successfully with 1 egg, some cheese, and 1/4 cup rolled oats).  Off I went to run with Lauren.  We had 9 miles scheduled but did 5 due to time constraints.  Besides, we are WAY ahead on training so it was ok to reduce the mileage.  I had stopped at the local bike and running shop to pick up some more Gu for our run (thinking we were doing 9) and went a little crazy 🙂

The chocolate is just like brownie batter!  And the vanilla tastes exactly like vanilla pudding.  Haven’t tried the others yet but so far, I’m a big fan!  So off we went and it was a beautiful day

We had to stop to take this picture because it was such a beautiful view!  It was definitely a very enjoyable run!

I got home and still had loads of energy.  Rob was at rugby practice so I had nothing to do but wait for him.  I decided to clean the rooms and move the bed around since it was in a bad spot.  I like it a lot better already!  (blankets were in the wash LoL).  I also had to officially switch my tshirt/tank top drawer with my workout clothes drawer because I needed the bigger, deeper drawer for my workout gear!  That is a good sign right?  I put away race tshirts and college shirts I never wear to make space.

I also got rid of some dresses that are way too big.  I wish someone could use them because they are nice pieces but who needs floor length gowns???  Spooky did enjoy hiding in them though!

Eating this weekend was terrible!  Absolutely horrible, aweful, mindless, pitiful!  So tomorrow, its back to mindful, healthy eating as usual.  But since I’ve mentioned how horrible I’ve been, I’ll show you!  LoL.

Saturday was Applebee’s for lunch (and dinner, ate my leftovers).  Then it was Starbucks.  I completely forgot that they were giving away free samples of their new “petites”.  Aka, little tiny delicious pastries all under 200 calories.  I got the peanut butter cupcake and Rob got the red velvet moon pie.  So yummy!

That night, the day just felt so summery, we felt like ice cream.  Our brilliant idea was Friendly’s.  BAD!  But oh so delicious….
Today wasn’t nearly as bad.  Breakfast was at a local place.  Lunch was Chinese at the mall.  I know, I could have done much better.  Subway, sushi, salads, something healthier.  Dinner was tacos which was actually not that bad but then we discovered…
Ice cream two times this weekend!  This is my biggest weakness food.  Ice cream is delicious.  And summer is coming!  So now you see, definitely not a good eating weekend.  But I’m not going to freak out about it.  I’m just going to get back into it tomorrow again.  Already working on it now by drinking my water!  Now its off to spend time with the hubs!

4 thoughts on “First Free Weekend

  1. I SO need to go through closets and drawers and purge! I'm hoping to get to it when my kids are off from school and at my parents' and I'm here w/o them to say, "NO! I LOVE that!" Ha!

    Did you also see that Rita's is open!?!? I grew up on frozen custard (my grandparents owned a stand) and that is just such a memory for me! Yum!

  2. First, the dresses are about a size 12 (I believe I was a 14 when I wore the red one even) so if there are any takers, let me know!

    And yes!!! I love custard! My favorite is the custard castle on route 322 in Mays Landing. You can find me there a LOT in the summer 🙂 But Rita's custard is AMAZING! And don't forget that Rita's gives away free water ice on the first day of Spring (I think Spring and not Summer, double check ok?). That's this Sunday!!!

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