Marching Along

I posted my March Goals over the weekend and so far, I’m already not doing so great!

1. I plan to start Body Beast today or tomorrow so that’s not so bad.

2. I will run as soon as my chest cough clears up. I know only cough a little in the morning and before bed. Almost gone!

3. This was almost a total flop. Rob and I have been very lazy this weekend and eating out a lot. We’re staying in today and then I am alone the rest of the week so I’ll have to depend on just me to stay wheat-free!

4. Working/reading for school has been mediocre at best. I am just taking a quick break from homework now. Otherwise, the rest of the weekend was pretty much lavishing Rob with my company. He needs to stop being so cute and fun to hang out with.

So its time to get on it today. I will:
emoticon Cook all my meals at home.
emoticon Read at least one article for school.
emoticon Revamp my training plan for the half marathon.

I guess I’m not doing that poorly already, I just feel like I could be doing better! Now, off to finish up this homework and get my day going!

emoticon What distracts you from your health goals?  emoticon

For me, the biggest problems are having enough time to work out and eating out.

Going to school means that I work all day and then some. I don’t have that exact 8 hour shift and then “Free time”. I feel like all my time is school time or husband time. This can get overwhelming and when I do get a free minute, sometimes I just want to watch tv and not go for a run. 

Eating out has always been an issue for anyone losing weight but now that I’m so restricted in what I eat, it can be even more of a mental battle. For example, I like burgers on a roll. Sure, I can get it lettuce wrapped but I freakin like the roll! So its less about calories and more about taste!

3 thoughts on “Marching Along

  1. Lately, I’m easily distracted from working out. Doesn’t help that I hurt my foot playing soccer Friday night, so I’ve been resting it…I just need to get to it…I’d much rather just sit and read…I don’t watch TV, so reading is my time waster…that and keeping up with the kids’ schedules. Once it stays lighter later, I can get some running done while they are at soccer practice. For now, I’ve just got to fit it in early in the morning.
    Keep going, girl…you’ve only just begun!!!

  2. I work on my meals a few days/nights a week, so I have healthy things on hand. But somedays, it just doesn’t happen. and cut yourself some slack you have a LOT going on for just one lady- you are doing a great job!

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