October: Getting Back in the Habit

Before I get into my goals for the month…  I did it!!!


I ran 18 miles!  More like ran/walk 14 miles and shuffled 4 miles.  LoL.  Overall, it wasn’t that bad.  I stuck to the 4 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking for the most part.  I needed 2 minutes to walk whenever I ate a Gu.  Toward the end, I needed some extra walk breaks but then came a point when it hurt more to walk than run.  Ha!  I am happy with how it went and I’m pretty darn sore.  A little terrified of the marathon but I know I can do it!!

Ok, so as the title says, this month’s theme for my goals is getting back into the habit of being healthy.  I had a very rough week last week.  I don’t talk about how things are going with school and other stresses but you guys do notice when I’m not myself.  Well, I’m finally ready to juggle both the healthy living and the stresses of being a grad student, wife, & blogger, despite being ridiculously overwhelmed right now.  So here is what I’m going to do this month!

1.  Track Paleo Days
One of the first things to suffer is my Paleo Diet.  While I still eat relatively healthy, I cave and have things I shouldn’t (oats, breads, etc.).  They end up making me feel lethargic and run down so it doesn’t do any good.  I’m going to see how many days I can get this month, excluding a few planned cheats.  On a normal day though, I shouldn’t be having those foods that I know make me feel ill.

2.  Track Water Days
I really just want to get back into the habit of tracking my water because it really does help me to make sure I’m getting enough!  My goal is usually 64 ounces.

3.  Exercise 4 Days per Week
While I would love to work out 6 days a week, jumping into that could lead to another burn out.  I would like to do something active at least 4 days a week, something that requires I put on some sort of gym clothes, even if its just for 15 minutes!

4.  Do My Long Runs
There are only 3 weeks left until the marathon.  That least a 12-miler, an 8-miler, and the big day 26.2-miler.  I want to make sure I don’t skip any of these!  I will also tack on an extra run the last weekend of the month as a recovery run.  Not sure the mileage yet.

I mentioned that I was going to start the New Rules of Lifting on the 1st but there has been a change of plans.  I decided I should probably wait until after the marathon before I start a heavy lifting regime (especially since my schedule would get all messed up the week before and after the race).  So it looks like I’ll be doing that probably in November.  I will be joining the gym this week though so I can start going to Zumba again!  Oh how I miss it!

It is a short list of goals this month.  I have “stuff” I need to do for school but no real goals I want to share.  I also need to manage stress better but things have been crazy, things I can’t control.  So no real goals there.  Just sticking to my health goals should help with the stress (hopefully).  Here we go!

What are you goals for October?

5 thoughts on “October: Getting Back in the Habit

  1. Woo Hoo! Great job on the run! Proud of you! 3 weeks and counting….it’s going to be a great weekend…

  2. WAHOOOOOOOO!!!! so incredibly proud of you!! I cant wait for you and tiffany to kick butt in three weeks!

  3. That’s a SEXY headband you got there 🙂

    Seriously, congratulations. You are AMAZING! I think wo 4 days a week makes good sense with also being a student. You need some time to put towards other things and that can be cleaning up/ prepping your nutrition during those couple of hours. REALLY! I mean, the time has to come from somewhere and with nutrition being 80% (so they say, I say 95% of ME) of your health? Holla!

    Go for it. You rock!

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