Vitamin Talk

sleepywomanMy energy levels have been all over the place lately!  One day, I’m dragging myself around through sleepy eyes and then next, I’m 100% concentration!  I don’t know what it is!  I mean, I’m doing everything right:

–  Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
–  Exercise regularly
–  Drink lots of water
–  Avoid sugar & alcohol
–  Eat at regular intervals (meals and snacks)

You could also say that it is stress that is making me tired but despite having a ton of schoolwork to do lately, I don’t feel stressed. I am really managing that well (see the list of things that give you energy above, they also help manage stress!)

vitaminsSo what gives?  Well, my friend Kristen wrote in her blog how she is Vitamin D deficient which can lead to fatigue so it got me wondering and I’m back to taking vitamins again.  I haven’t been tested for any deficiencies but I figure its not a bad idea.  But I have a love/hate relationship with them.  They seem good and smart to take but then I wonder what is really in them and if they could be doing more harm than good.  So I’m just taking a leap of faith and going for it!  Besides, I have noticed since switching to a mostly-Paleo diet that I can’t seem to get enough calcium so I guess that is also something I need to think about!

Something interesting I just found on the vitamins that I am taking is that they are high in B12 which also increase energy levels.  Let’s hope that helps!

What are your thoughts and opinions on taking vitamins?

3 thoughts on “Vitamin Talk

  1. I know it’s insanely expensive but with all my health issues (born with, not “earned”), I rely on my Shakeology. I repeat this all the time cos it’s true: every time my naturopath friend sees something she believes will aid my many issues, I’ll check the label and it’s in there.

    BEST is that now I have a diagnosis with Celiac (hereditary, too, just didn’t know), it’s rare to find things that won’t aggravate it (gluten) OR my lupus (too much niacinamide, alfalfa sprouts, garlic, etc.).

    I’ve been taking it since the last quarter of 2009, so I’m a fan. You take NO other supplements when you use it, though, as some nutrients can be overdosed.

  2. I do take Vitamin D but that’s it. Since going Paleo, I don’t worry about calcium. There are tons are articles regarding how your body absorbs it better when you don’t eat the items (grains/legumes) that have anti-nutrients that inhibit the absorption of calcium from leafy greens and fish. Case in point, my hubs broke a bone in his foot. The Dr. was amazed at the amount of healing and new bone in 4 weeks based on his x-ray. He doesn’t eat dairy… My kids don’t and never really have – they don’t like it and/or are lactose intolerant. I’m not too worried about it and I don’t supplement with them either. They all have great teeth and are athletic….
    Just my 2 cents! 🙂

  3. I have been taking it for 3 weeks now, and I am already telling a difference. I will say, you are defiantly my idol w/ the way you can balance everything!

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